

After much anticipation, the rating for the long-awaited series, The Solitary Vessel, has been released.


A score of 4.7 from over two thousand viewers.

This figure is even lower than what many had anticipated.

The low number of voters suggests that The Solitary Vessel failed to engage the active demographic of younger audiences on platforms like Douban.

The show certainly faced its share of challenges.

One of the more glaring issues was the lack of rigor in plot development.

For instance, in recent episodes, Gu Yizhong's infiltration of Xiao Lin's residence during Hai Mo and Xiao Ye's performance seems far-fetched.

The mansion, holding such crucial intelligence, appears to be completely unguarded?

Even after being spotted by Xiao Ye, Gu Yizhong is able to leave without suspicion following a brief exchange?

Another problem lies in the unnecessary inclusion of certain characters.

Take the character of Xiao Ruotong, for example. If all her scenes were cut, would it significantly impact the main storyline?

My answer: not at all.

This character fails to contribute meaningfully to the progression of the plot, and the subplots she initiates seem disconnected from the central narrative.

Despite these shortcomings, The Solitary Vessel has reached its finale, so where do our main characters end up?

First, let's discuss Lüzhu.

Some have remarked that Xiao Ruotong, who appeared in 23 out of the first 28 episodes, pales in comparison to Lüzhu, who made only a brief appearance.

There is some truth to this observation.

Lüzhu possesses two defining traits.

One, an irresistible charm.

As a renowned Kunqu opera performer, her poise and allure captivate anyone around her, including Mr. Li and Gu Yizhong.

Two, a fiery disposition.

She boldly refuses to dance for Japanese officers and remains unfazed in the face of danger, making her no ordinary woman.

Earlier in the series, it was mentioned that Mr. Li often gets involved with his female subordinates romantically.

Hai Mo also insinuated that Lüzhu might be a secret agent.

What is her true identity?

It's worth noting that Huang Xinzhai, the deputy director of the Suzhou station, claimed to have an informant within the Shanghai branch.

This informant has never been seen.

That informant is none other than Lüzhu.

Huang Xinzhai, however, lacks the ability to control her.

Huang Xinzhai defected from the Military Statistics Bureau (MSS) to the puppet government, and Lüzhu was planted as a double agent by the MSS.

This explains everything.

Second, Zhou Zhifei's fate.

This is a topic of great interest.


Zhou Zhifei's history includes defections from our party to the MSS and then to the puppet government.

His motivations are clear: money and power.

Given the imminent defeat of the Japanese, Zhou Zhifei must have prepared for escape.

He had his wife Ji Yuqing's brother convert valuable items into U.S. dollars.

However, Gu Yizhong will not let him get away.

Had it not been for Zhou Zhifei's machinations, Gu Yizhong would not have found himself in such dire straits, and his father might have avoided a tragic end.

Nor will the people or justice spare him.

His hands are stained with the blood of our comrades and countless patriots.

His handler, Mr. Li, was poisoned.

Zhou Zhifei, too, faces justice for his treachery and is executed for collaborationism after the war.

Third, Wang Mingzhong and Gao Hu.

I wonder how Wang Mingzhong was exposed so quickly upon arriving in Suzhou?

Could there be another traitor besides Cell No. 8?

In fact, it's simpler than that.

The contact, Yusheng, was compromised by Unit 90.

Speculations about Wang Mingzhong being Cell No. 8 turned out to be misplaced.

Under torture, Wang Mingzhong revealed nothing and died a heroic death, leaving viewers moved.

And then there's Gao Hu.

Initially sent by Zhou Zhifei to surveil Gu Yizhong, Gao Hu becomes loyal after witnessing Gu's character and his assistance in saving his mother.

Gao Hu repeatedly vows to give his life for Gu Yizhong.

Unfortunately, he does indeed sacrifice himself to protect Gu Yizhong in the final moments.

Fourth, who is Liu Xiujuan?

During a conversation between Gu Yizhong and Lüzhu, a woman is seen watching from the shadows.

Who is she, what is her purpose, and who sent her?

Her identity is straightforward.

Her name is Liu Xiujuan.

She is a surveillance operative dispatched by higher-ups in the MSS, who are wary of Lüzhu potentially defecting.

With the Japanese defeat looming, she has another mission: to recruit Gu Yizhong.

Fifth, Hai Mo's ending.

Considering the length of The Solitary Vessel, the timeline likely concludes with the Japanese surrender, before the onset of the Civil War.

To better carry out his undercover work, Gu Yizhong leverages Liu Xiujuan and others to establish contact with the MSS's Mr. Xu.

Following the war, he successfully infiltrates the MSS.

As for Hai Mo, after Xiao Ruotong is killed by Zhou Zhifei, she chooses not to stay with Gu Yizhong but instead departs to parts unknown.



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