

As the sixth installment in duMou's "First Impressions of New Dramas" series, this piece delves into the intricacies of a unique drama that pushes the boundaries of realism within a fictional setting.


In today's content market, realistic dramas are not uncommon, but crafting a compelling narrative with a backdrop of fiction is a challenge that few have mastered. The series "Border Tales" creates an imaginary borderland known as "Three Borders Slope," a lawless frontier where the rawest aspects of human nature are exposed by wealth and power. Despite its fictional nature, every character and event in this world exudes a gritty realism that captivates viewers.

(Image Source: Weibo)

The story follows the naive worker Shen Xing as he seeks refuge with his uncle in Three Borders Slope. However, when his uncle disappears while pursuing unpaid construction fees, Shen Xing finds himself embroiled in the complex power struggles of Daban, becoming an underling to the local boss, Uncle Cai, and embarking on a perilous journey in the "border waters."

Based on the first ten episodes, "Border Tales" meets the standards of a well-crafted suspense drama. The contrast between the characters portrayed by Dylan Guo (Shen Xing) and Francis Ng (Uncle Cai) creates a dynamic tension, allowing for the development of their respective arcs. The series' pacing, through a series of interconnected events, vividly portrays the customs and atmosphere of Three Borders Slope, heightening the sense of urgency and danger.

However, to transcend the ordinary and capture the audience's imagination, "Border Tales" must establish a distinctive innovation point. The key lies in balancing the fictional with the real, a feat it achieves through its narrative approach.

From a storytelling perspective, the use of an everyday protagonist serves as a powerful lens through which to explore the harsh realities of life. While the main plot revolves around Shen Xing's quest to save his uncle, the series also delves into the lives of other minor characters, revealing their flaws and desires.

"Border Tales" still (Image Source: Douban)

A man gambles away everything he has, including his wedding memento, and ends up on the streets, only to be shown compassion by the very person who deceived him. Meanwhile, the town constable of Maniu, who appears to be a benevolent figure adopting orphans, turns them into ruthless enforcers. These narratives underscore the harshness of life in Three Borders Slope.

When the interwoven personal stories create a strong dramatic tension, viewers gain a deeper understanding of the brutal environment of Three Borders Slope.

In terms of production, "Border Tales" reinforces the reality of its fictional world through meticulous attention to detail. From the uniquely designed opening credits to the three different end-credit songs that change with the narrative, every element contributes to the show's wild and unrestrained tone.

Moreover, the production team created a new language, the Borum dialect, complete with its own social rules and customs. Realistic sets such as the Jian Dong construction site and Hai Shan mine were constructed to serve as pivotal locations for the story.


The immersive quality of "Three Borders Slope" is achieved through these carefully crafted details, drawing viewers deeply into the narrative.

Borum dialect interpretation (Image Source: Weibo)

To guide viewers through the world of Three Borders Slope, the series adopts a single perspective, following Shen Xing as he navigates the rules and dynamics of this borderland. This approach places high expectations on Shen Xing's character, requiring a nuanced portrayal by Dylan Guo, who faces the challenge of convincingly portraying both the character's naivety and growth.

Given the presence of seasoned actors, any shortcomings in performance become more apparent. Audience feedback suggests dissatisfaction primarily with the portrayal of Shen Xing, particularly in moments of questionable decision-making, which could be attributed to a lack of character development or the actor's performance.

"Border Tales" still (Image Source: Douban)

As the third entry in Youku's White Night Theater, "Border Tales" diverges stylistically from its predecessors, "Faint Fire" and "Rebirth," yet shares a common thread in creating a distinct universe. Each of these works, like the deserted town of Qing Shui in "Faint Fire" and the isolated island of "Rebirth," offers a rich backdrop for storytelling and cinematic exploration.

"Faint Fire" and "Rebirth" stills (Image Source: Douban)

The textured quality of "Border Tales" owes much to its talented creative team. Director Su An previously directed the hit series "The Beginning," sparking discussions about the "infinite loop" genre; producer Cao Baoping is known for works like "Dog Thirteen" and "Crossing the Sea of Anger," which delve into profound human themes.

Notably, "Border Tales" is adapted from a non-fiction account by the writer "Genius Hunter Plan." The story draws upon the author's real-life experiences in the borderlands, infusing the narrative with authenticity.

"Border Tales" original work (Image Source: Douban)

Non-fiction literature often serves as a treasure trove for content creators, offering fresh perspectives and vivid details. However, adapting such material for a wider audience presents challenges, including how to maintain the story's realism while ensuring its appeal to a broader demographic.

"Border Tales" provides a potential solution by blending fiction with reality, though this requires significant investment in both time and resources. According to producer Cao Baoping, despite being just a 21-episode series, "Border Tales" required an extensive production effort, with hundreds of people working on set design and props alone.

It becomes clear that while non-fiction literature can provide a rich source of material for content creation, the success of such adaptations hinges on a deep understanding of the costs involved in maintaining authenticity. This understanding encompasses both the creative vision and the commitment to production quality.



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