

On August 6th, the national tour for the animated feature film "White Snake: Floating Life" by Light Chaser Animation commenced in a romantic fashion. The film's directors, Chen Jianxi and Li Jia Kai, along with producer Zeng Fan Yu, made their first stop in Shijiazhuang, engaging with local audiences and fans who shared their love for the movie. Together, they created a special memory imbued with the essence of White Snake. "White Snake: Floating Life" is set to release nationwide on August 10th, just in time for Qixi Festival. Pre-sales have already begun, with box office takings from advance screenings nearing the 50 million yuan mark, leading the way in the Qixi Festival lineup.


The heartfelt confessions of fans turned the tour into an impromptu job fair for Light Chaser Animation. The first leg of the national tour in Shijiazhuang was filled with enthusiastic supporters of Light Chaser's "White Snake" series. From "White Snake: Origins" to "White Snake: Floating Life," these films have accompanied many through various stages of life, from childhood to adulthood. At the tour, the audience expressed their deep affection for the series, which they had been eagerly awaiting for five years and seven months. After watching the film, fans were moved by the technical advancements, praising the meticulous attention to detail in hair rendering, lighting, and water effects. Some even likened their repeated viewings to an addiction, unable to resist the allure of the story. Among the crowd were a couple who had met because of "White Snake: Origins" and now wished to make a vow of lifelong commitment, reminiscent of Xiao Bai and Xu Xian, touching everyone present.

In response to the outpouring of support, director Chen Jianxi expressed his gratitude, saying that this enthusiasm fuels their creative efforts and drives them to continue telling this classic tale. Notably, several students studying animation also attended the event, expressing both their admiration for the work and their desire to contribute to it. Director Li Jia Kai warmly welcomed such aspirations, encouraging young animators to submit their resumes to Light Chaser Animation, emphasizing the importance of Chinese teams telling Chinese stories for Chinese audiences. Producer Zeng Fan Yu, moved to tears by the fans' passion, shared her hopes of enriching the original narrative of White Snake with new elements, ensuring that the love story between Xiao Bai and Xu Xian resonates with a wider audience.



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